Please enjoy these old photographs! Take advantage of your F-11 key to max screen
she has suffered more from collision than any other lightship
Old #4 vessel retired to RELIEF Woods Hole 1916
Stone Horse :V-47 being towed to Station 1933
LV-47 as Pollock Rip Lightship. Never lost a man.
Line drawing of sisterships LV: 47,48,49,50
Stone Horse 47 getting new deck hardware Boston base 1924
Stone Horse LV-53 self propelled (no sailing masts)
Men clean Acetylene lamp cage
Lightship#4 at Handkerchief nightime
Lightship #5 at Shovelful shoal nightime
1866 Map of Monomoy Point Section note Powderhole and LS station
Chart designation 1966 Pollock Rip LS
Chart designation 1966 Nantucket Shoals LS
Stone Horse LV-53 locked in ice 1948 Spar to the rescue
1906 Eldredge Chart of Monomoy and Harwich Port
Cross Rip LV-6 Lost at Sea 1916
Late photo of Cross Rip LV-96 servced 17 years on station
Another photo of Cross Rip 1937-1954
LV-42 spent 21 years at Great Round Shoal
LV-98 spent 21 years off Harwich Port
Map of Harwich Port and Village showing docks on Nantucket Sound
LV-90 spent only two years at Hedge Fence Shoal after launch
Crew of Nantucket Lightship Relief 106 practices lifeboat launch 1936
Between 1849 and 1969 eight different light vessels served the Polock Rip station
Last crew of the Pollock Rip Lightship. 9 enlisted men, 2 non-com's and one commanding officer.
No. 4 pulled its first duty at the Bishop then lighthouse was built
Woody LV-5 set a record 64 years one mile from Monomoy Point at Shovelful Shoal
In 1906 Shovelful LV showed One Red Light, Pollock Rip LV showed two red lights
Engineer adjusts lamps on Shovelful LV-5. These were cranked t the mast head.
Monomoy Point saw more fog than Downeast making passage dangerous
Crew entertains one another at Shovelful Lightship ward room
South Monomoy Island (winter 2004)
Surfman Seth Ellis Rescue from barge grounding near Shovelful Lightship 1902
Nantucket Lightship #1 served 36 years and was seldom relieved.
Nantucket #85 rescued 115 stranded sailors after a U-boat strike in 1917
#71 served time on Nantucket Shoal sunk off North Carolina
LV-117 was rammed and sunk by inbound SS OLYMPIC in 1934
The British Goverment bought LV-112 to replace lost LV-117, largest LV
LV-612 recently refurbished into a private home
Coast Guard Station at Wychmere Harbor served the lightvessels at Monomoy
LV-98 last vessel at Handkerchief retired 1951 with Cross Rip LV in 1954
Rare shot of two warhorses side by side.
Woody Cross Rip LV-5 served 58 years
Size comparison Handkerchief vs. Monomoy Light
Hurricane wrecks 1944
The Vineyard Sound Lightship was lost with all hands 1944 Hurricae
LV-73 served 20 years before its demise
Bell recovered from the Vineyard lightvessel
The 1906 Eldredge Lightship Chart graces the Harbormasters Office at Saqautucket Harbor
Layout of Stonehorse Lightvessel #101
Sidney Moody photograph of Stonehorse LV
Chief Engineer tends to the Cooper-Bessemer 315HP diesel LV #101
Crew bunks and storage lockers starboard side LV-101
Original 1000 lbs bell Stonehorse #101
Converted from kerosene to duplex 375 mm electric 13,OOOcp lantern 1931
Bridge deck steering station on top of wheel house
Crash horn and mast
Starboard side Stonehorse gin pole LV-101
Portside lifeboat & omini 10" fogsignal
South Monomoy Island (winter 2004)
Aft and fantail from bridgedeck
Bow of the whale back style tumble-homed decks (note spare mushroom)
Christmas aboard a lightvessel was very cheary!
Elaborate radio room on Nantucket LV-112 the largest lightship
Spare mushroom anchor was kept on mounts starboard bow
Galley stove Stonehorse #101
Galley and sink
Bosun's mate doing pots & pans
Manger and anchor windless LV#101
Crews head across from windless room
Rare photograph of happy crew onboard Stonehorse LV
Looking up the mast
Crewmember sands metal to accept paint. A lot of maintenance went on to pass the time.
Stonehorse LV-101 windlass
Stage Harbor Light 1900
Chatham Twin Lights 1895
Monomoy Point Light 1920
Crew sink locker was separated from the head in the spirit of hygene
LV-101 even had stainless steel showers!