Annual Boating Safety Classes in Lower Cape Area

Office of the Harwich Harbormaster

Tom Leach, Harbormaster
715 Main Street
P.O. Box 207
Harwichport, MA 02646
(508) 430-7532
FAX (508) 430-7535
VHF Channel 16, 68

  • Public education courses United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Chatham starts July 13, 2011
  • Public education courses US Power Squadron Cape Cod
  • Award winning USCGAux Chatham Flotilla 1101
  • Safe Boating Tips - Notebook
  • Piloting & Navigation Course
  • A Boating Knowledge Course
  • Massachusetts Boating Basics Course
  • Harwich Waypoint List
  • FAQs about Boat Naming
  • 'Compass' by Alan Guernsey

    Harbormaster Rover Cam Picture
    The Harwich Junior Boating Safety Academy has been in operation since 1998. Here were the graduates (7/14/00).From left to right first row: Claire Lewis, Jessie King, Jackie Love, Slater Hurst, David Green, Marcella Voke. Standing (l to r): Phil Evans (USCGA), Tom Bolduc, Jame Storrs, Nathanial Chace, Bob Cosgrove (USCGA) Josh Steele, Mike Call, Nick Adbdow Whitney Conroy, Harbormaster Tom Leach, Katie Green.

    Tommy Leach photo.

    We think that all boaters not just new comers can use a boating refresher course. Learn about whats new in areas of hypothermia, first aid, applied GPS navigation and much much more. I would say a focused twelve year old is mature enough to understand and digest the material. (this will afford youngsters the opportunity to achieve a Boating Safety certificate card which is now required to operate any motorboat regardless of horsepower, if you are under sixteen.)


    14th Annual

    Junior Public Boating Course begining late June 2012

    Stone Horse Yacht Club, Harbor Road, Harwich Port, MA


    Harwich Junior Boating Safely Class

    Sponsored By:
    Massachusetts Environmental Police
    Harwich Harbormaster’s Office

    We take pride in teaching and are pleased that you have decided to take the Harwich Junior Boating Class. We will be glad to hold a seat for you in the class. The class will be held at the Stone Horse Yacht Club Tues, Wed and Thurs June 26th, 27th and 28th and the following week Tues and Thurs. July 3rd and 5th. After attending the classes and successfully completing the exam, you will receive a certificate from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Environmental Police permitting you to operate a motor boat at age 12 and a PWC at age 16.

    There is no charge for the course. Books and registration forms are available at the Harwich Harbormaster’s Office, Saquatucket Harbor, Rt. 28, Harwich Port.

    Students are expected to have the completed registration form with them for the first class and are also expected to have read the first and second chapter for the first class.

    Contact: Harwich Harbormaster’s Executive Assistant, Stephen Smith to reserve a seat.

    The 13th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class 2011 held at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    28 graduates July 8, 2011
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, Tim Millar (Skipper Sea Scouts) , Stephen Smith (Environmental Police)

    The 12th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    26 graduates (7 were at Stage Harbor Opti Race this day) July 9, 2010
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, David Vincent (USCG Aux), Stephen Smith (Environmental Police)

    The 11th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    35 graduates July 10, 2009
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, David Vincent (USCG Aux), Stephen Smith (Environmental Police)

    The 10th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    26 graduates July 11, 2008
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, Stephen Smith (USCG Aux), David Vincent (USCG Aux)

    The 9th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    19 graduates July 12, 2007
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, Stephen Smith (USCG Aux), David Vincent (USCG Aux)

    The 9th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    33 members July 11, 2006
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, Stephen Smith (USCG Aux), Dr.Jan Schneider (USCG Aux)

    The 8th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    39 members July 5, 2005
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach, Dr.Jan Schneider (USCG Aux), Dr. Murray Johnson, Stephen Smith (USCG Aux)

    The 7th Annual Harwich Boating Safety Academy Class at Stone Horse Yacht Club
    52 members July 6, 2004
    Instructors Harbormaster Tom Leach and Dr.Jan Schneider USCG Auxiliary

    Course Registrtion Form (to be given to Tom Leach)