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The skills I acquired as a sailor served me well, for they gave me a sense of pace which I might not otherwise possess. I see people all about me who have never developed an adequate inner clock and who are never at one with the wind because of it. The frantic individual tacks too soon, jumping from job to job, friendship to friendship, spouse to spouse, losing headway at every turn. The obtuse individual remains on the same tack too long, investing too much time, talent, and energy in a course that takes him far from his avowed objective. But the seasoned sailor stays on the same tack as long as it appears advantageous, and then, at the appropriate moment, pushes the tiller toward the sail and deftly changes direction. - Richard Bode First you have to row a little boat
Northeastern University Sailing
Harvard University Co-ed and Radcliffe Women's Sailing
Pennsylvania University Sailing
Boreas Page; A Dutch Student Sailing Association (English version)
University of Illinois Sailing
University of Iowa Sailing Club
US Merchant Marine Academy Sailing (Kings Point)
US Naval Academy Dinghy Sailors
University of Oklahoma Sailing Club and Team
University of Wisconsin Sailing.
505 Class Information
Europe Dinghy Class Information
International 14 Class Information
The Starting Point for Sailing
Cruising Yacht Club of Australia
BOC Challenge home page.
Some Sailing Clubs with info on the Net
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page
Canadian Youth Sailors Development Page
Other Sailing Pages
International Sailing Federation Home Page