Contact Waterways Committee (Matt Hart)
Harwich Committee Handbook Robert's Rules of Order
By Item - Newest First
Round Cove Boat Ramp Repair authorization (June 2012)
Beach Rules and Regulations (June 2012)
Harbormaster Eligibility Opinion (June 2012)
Army Corps Permit to dredge Allen Harbor Basin June 2012
Piping Plover and Least Tern Monitoring Plan Harwich
Town Counsel opinion on the use of an alternate Mooring Service Agent (April 2012)
Flushing Study Various Harbors, Harwich, Mass 1992
Vine Draft Design Report on Harbors 2012.pdf
Allen Harbor postdredge survey November 2011
Wychmere inlet postdredge survey November 2011
County Dredge bill and datum 3-9-2012.pdf