Useful Waypoints

Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground.
William Shakespeare, Tempest

Useful tidbit: when arriving Harwich Port from south or southwest at night:
Be very wary of obscure Green 4 second flashing light which marks the end of the Wychmere Harbor west breakwater.

I think in some peoples minds this is mistaken as if it were Bell '3'.
There is no light on Bell '3'. Doing so will bring you in harms way.
This jetty has been mistaken many times and the scene of several
nasty crashes and many near misses over the years.

Here the operator of a 35' Duffy somehow missed
the channel at Wychmere Harbor and ended up on the
jetty just outside the Snow Inn Harbor complex.
Three people were on board and one man suffered a head injury.

  • USCG Notice to Mariners, 1st District Download past and current editions!
  • Harwich Port Local Notice to Mariners
  • Coastal Pilot (download)
  • Pleasant Bay Chart 13248
  • Harbormaster Current Tables Planner for Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay (very useful)
  • Pleasant Bay Tide Planner (courtesy PPCC)
  • USCG Navigation Center
  • Light List for Nantucket Sound & Approaches (all 1st District)
  • Surface Distance Calculator
  • Sunset/Moon Rise US Naval Observatory

    My Nantucket Sound Waypoints

    This is not an official list - use at your own peril.
    DescriptionLocationCharacterLatitude NLongitude W
    Allen Breakwtr Lght Allen HarborGrn Qk Fl 41-39.655070-05.383
    Allen H. '1' Entrance buoyGrn Fl 4s41-39.332070-05.067
    Allen H. '2' red nun41-39.393070-05.105
    Allen H. '3' green can41-39.462070-05.197
    Allen H. '4' red nun41-39.542070-05.235
    Allen H. '5' green can41-39.587070-05.317
    Allen H. '6' red nun41-39.643070-05.331
    Bass River Bell `2'W. Dennis/YarmouthRd. 2.5s Bell41-37.58070-11.500
    Bell `13' NE of Great PointBell41-25.90069-58.90
    Nun `14' SW tip of Handkerchief ShoalNun41-29.10070-05.10
    Bell `15' Nw of Great PointGrn 4s Bell41-26.2070-05.1
    Gong `17' Main ChannelGrn 4s Gong41-26.6070-11.6
    Bell `18' Half Moon Shoal Red Fl 4s 41-27.2 070-14.1
    Bell `3' Harwichport Chatham Roadsgreen bell41.37.27070-02.970
    Bell `NN' East of Horseshoe White Mo(a)41-31.08070-17.3
    Bishop & Clerks Lighthouse (new)dangerous rockswhite flash 6s41-34.27070-15.00
    Bishop Clrks Bell `1' NE Corner BishopGrn 4s Bell41-34.7070-14.1
    Bishop Clrks NUN '2' SE Corner BishopRed Nun41-33.2070-14.4
    Broken Grnd Gong `4'South end B&CRed 4s Gong41-33.45070-15.0
    Chatham BarEntrance Chatham Harbor"C" Buoy41-39.18069-55.50
    Chatham BarNorth way (variable position)Flag 441-40.48069-55.50
    Chatham BarNorth way (variable position)Flag 341-40.46069-55.68
    Chatham BarNorth way (variable position)Flag 241-40.43069-55.94
    Chatham BarNorth way (variable position)Flag 141-40.34069-56.26
    Common Flat Nun `4' west corner of flatred nun41.38.40070-01.47
    Fish Weir Wychmere Harbor - South End.49 mile long weir off Sea StreetLt Yellow (dim)41-38.929070-04.379
    Fish Weir Wychmere Harbor - North End .49 mile long weir off Sea StreetLt Yellow (dim)41-39.299070-04.434
    Fish Weir Herring River - South End.33 mile weir off Pleasant St.41-38.719070-05.833
    Fish Weir Herring River - North End.33 mile weir off Pleasant St.41-39.045070-05.899
    Gazzelle Rock R`2'Point GammonRed Fl 2.5s41-36.1070-15.8
    Great Rock East of Gong `4'Day Marker41-37.0070-17.12
    Halftide Rock East of Great Rocksubmerged41-37.0070-17.1
    Harwichport Racing Ball1/4 mile south Wychorange ball41.39.130070-03.879
    Herring R. Can '1'West Harwichgreen can41-39.148070-06.872
    Herring R.Breakwtr Lt.Herring Rivergrn Fl 4s41-39.266070-06.949
    Hyanniport Nun `6'Lewis Bay EntranceRed 4s41-37.5070-17.3
    Hyannis Breakwater Hyannis Harborgreen flasher41-36.0070-17.55
    Hyannis Gong `4' West of Great Rockgong buoy with Mo(A) flasher41-36.9070-17.4
    Killpond Whistle W.HarwichRed Flash (2+1) Fl41-37.45070-06.492
    Nantucket Bell `NB'Nantucket HarborWhite Mo(A)41-18.77070-05.83
    Nantucket BreakwaterNantucket HarborGrn 4s Horn 41-18.30070-05.66
    Nantucket ChannelRange Lgt Brant PtCoast Guard Base41-17.4070-11.2
    Pleasant Bay 3-Town Marker (actual reading)center of bayr/w striped buoy41-43-28069-59-19
    Pleasant Bay 3-Town Marker (true legal position)n/an/a41-43-30.89069-59-20.20
    Pumpout BuoyWych Outer Harborwhite can41-39.655070-03.643
    Rogers Shoal Nun `2' westerly end of shoalred nun41-33.8070-03.7
    Round Cove #1Entrance Buoygreen Can41-43.03069-59-43
    Saquatucket Office Saquatucket HarborFront Door41-40.1070-03.6
    Sam's HoleSE of Killpond 18'deepsunken gravel barge41-36.580070-05.759
    Saquatucket Can `1'Entrance BuoyGreen Can41-39.39.405070-03.595
    Saquatucket Nun `2'2nd Buoyred nun41-39.551070-03.616
    Saquatucket Can `3'Temp BuoyGreen Can41-39.507070-03.620
    Saquatucket Can `S'Junction BuoyGreen Can41-39.730070-03.657
    Saquatucket Nun `4'5th Buoyred nun41-39.738070-03.654
    Saq. East Jetty LightSaquatucket HarboRed Fl 4s41-39.33070-03.73
    Stage Harbor Can `1'Entrance Buoylighted Can '1'41-39.400070-03.608
    Stage Harbor SH ChathamRed/White Mo(A)1/4 mile SW of Stage Harbor41-39.150070-00.00
    Tuckernuck Bell `1'Tuckernuck ShoalGrn 4s Bell41-24.1070-10.6
    WSW Ledge Bell `SL'East of Hodges RockWhite Mo (A)41-35.4070-18.2
    Wychmere Jetty LightWychmere HarborGrn Fl 4s41-39.18070-03.79
    Yarmouth Fish Reef Off Bass RiverO-W Can41-37.4070-11.7

    Current Tables

    Cape Cod Canal Current Table
    Pollock Rip Current Table
    Woods Hole Current Table
    Quicks Hole Current Table
    Boston Harbor Current Table
    Nantucket Harbor Current Table
    The Race (Long Island Sound Current Table
    User Friendly Current Tables
    Nantucket Sound Harbormaster Emergency Current Table Planner

    Nautical Charts Below

    Nautical Charts Below

    Nantucket Sound Chart 13237