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Harwich High Sailing Team Photo Album VII

Harwich First at Cape & Islands Invitational High School Regatta

CAPE COD TIMES (5/23/99)
CHATHAM - Five secondary schools competed at the first Cape & Islands Invitational High School Regatta yesterday on Pleasant Bay, held at Chatham Yacht Club. Just one day after coming off their 5th place showing at the Massachusetts High School Championships at MIT, four Harwich High School freshmen led their team to a victory. Together skippers Jamie Scarbrough and Tom Leach along with crew members Bryan Knowles, Scot Penfield, and team captain senior Peter Donovan held off Nantucket , Chatham, Barnstable, Marthas Vineyard scoring 12 first place finishes in the ten races sailed in the two tiered event. Jen Philbrick and crew Alexandra Fleming of Nantucket also made an impressive showing with four bullets on their score card. Also having a good day were Chatham Argentinian exhange student Humberto Abdelnur and crew Lindy Meister who sailed well enough with solid seconds and 3 firsts to bring their team into second place. Final point were: Harwich (37), Chatham (53) Nantucket (56), Martha's Vineyard (76), Barnstable (80).